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  • UXify North America - Conference Videos

    This year, instead of hosting the World IA day like we did over the last couple of years, we brought our own UX conference UXify that we've been running very successfully in Sofia (Bulgaria) to North America. 


     UXify logo


    UXify was hosted on April 11 at the…

  • The Power of Pumpkin Spice

    There are almost three weeks of summer left, all of the leaves are still on the trees and I’m already craving pumpkin. How has this traditionally Thanksgiving flavor taken over the third of the year between Labor Day and New Year’s Eve? The pumpkin spice…

  • McMansion Problems - Don’t Design for the Extras

    There is a blog that I love called McMansion Hell  –  you know those crazy monster houses built in bulk starting in the 1980’s? They are usually found in great clusters and sometimes on very small pieces of property relative to their immense size;…

  • Keming, or the importance of not being a click.


    This is Important

    Let me start with some namedropping, to prove the importance of the subject. Apple just changed the kerning of the word “click“ on the El Capitan website (and tens of articles were published instantly on the topic), because the…

  • The Stroop Effect and its Implications in UX Design

    What happens when your brain is trying to process conflicting streams of information? Let’s find out.

    Read this list of colors to yourself:












    Piece of cake right? You are only concentrating…

  • Put User Research Knowledge Where It Belongs

    Imagine conducting extensive user research. You reveal extremely interesting information and present it to your client and the project team. They seem intrigued and appreciate learning about the users and their needs. You feel that you’ve done a good…

  • 5W+H = Knowledge to Design an Excellent User Experience

    You may have heard that to design a good user experience you first need to understand the users and their needs, but what exactly do you need to know? It comes down to five W and one H question – Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. The answers to these…

  • How Do You Research Something That Doesn’t Yet Exist?

    I once was in a project-scoping meeting for a client who wanted to create next generation banking products and services. Since these were new ideas, they assumed that the customers didn’t exist yet. We were considering conducting contextual inquiries…

  • Mute On, Mute Off?

    Sometimes I’m amazed when very simple usability problems are overlooked in an otherwise good design. Google Maps is a great mapping app, with one major exception – turning off the audio directions. As you read this, you might at first think, “Big deal…

  • Which is Better for Analysis, Spreadsheets or Affinity Diagrams? Part 2

    Which is a better method of analyzing user research and usability testing data, typing up your notes in a spreadsheet or creating an affinity diagram? In part 1 of this series, I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using a spreadsheet. Here…

  • The Magic is in the Details: The Beauty of Well Designed Micro-interactions and the Horror of Badly Designed Ones


    What are microinteractions? Microinteractions are the tiny details of a process that create the flow from beginning to completion. Dan Saffler defines Microinteractions as single moments within a use case.  They are discreet touch points that support…