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  • Infragistics speaking at New York City Windows Phone User Group

    On Monday, 11/21/11, I'll give a talk about UX design considerations for Windows Phone 7. Designing for smart phones is not the same as designing for desktop or web applications. While many fundamental usability principles can be applied 1:1, there are…

  • UX of Responsive Web Design

    What is Responsive Web Design?

    Ethan Marcotte first used the term Responsive Web Design in his article in A List Apart in May of 2010. Marcotte explains that designing for every screen size and device is not practical, there are simply too many devices…

  • UX at this year's Web 2.0 NYC Conference

    As you may have noticed, 'UX' is a hot topic these days so it's no surprise that most sessions in this year's Web 2.0 conference in New York City revolved around User Experience and applying its principles to designing for the new wave of mobile applications…

  • The Magic is in the Details: The Beauty of Well Designed Micro-interactions and the Horror of Badly Designed Ones


    What are microinteractions? Microinteractions are the tiny details of a process that create the flow from beginning to completion. Dan Saffler defines Microinteractions as single moments within a use case.  They are discreet touch points that support…

  • Are You Design-Driven? Probably Not.

    The phrase “design-driven” seems to be used a lot these days. From design blogs to books on building corporate culture to marketing campaigns, everyone either thinks they are “design-driven” or need to be “design-driven.” I think it’s fantastic that the…

  • The UX of Working With You

    The creative process can be an emotional roller coaster for both designers and clients alike.  Clients must trust the design team to conceive a solution that will meet the needs of their customers. The experience our client has throughout the design process…

  • Remote usability testing: preparing for the worst-case scenario

    One project I’ve been working on lately has involved a remote usability testing session that accommodates all the challenging resources: multiple channels (live screen tracking + audio recording + a test guideline + few data input paper forms),…