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  • ComboEditorTool mask

    Hello I'm trying to use an editable ComboEditorTool but I want it to only take integers and to show commas on the thousands (9,999,999,999,999) is there a built in way to do this? If not, how can I achieve it?

    Also, on a slightly related topic…

  • Using ComboEditorTool for objects


    I'm trying to use a ComboEditorTool to present values from a list of objects. I encouted a problem that every time I tried to change the selection, the selected object returned to the first object in the list. Trying to debug in order to solve the…

  • Ribbon ComboBox Editor how to bind to a class

    I'm trying to figure out how to bind the Ribbons Conbobox editor to an object. I have the ItemsSource working ok, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the selecteditem to bind to the class. 




    <igRibbon:ComboEditorTool Capti…

  • Style for ComboEditorTool


    I'm using a ComboEditorTool and would like it to use my application specific combobox style.

    Style comboBoxStyle = this.application.TryFindResource(typeof(ComboBox)) as Style;
    comboBox.ComboBoxStyle = comboBoxStyle;

    Doing this causes my styl…

  • Re: Ribbon ComboBox Editor how to bind to a class

    I just tried binding to SelectedItem but that doesn't seem to work either. I probably have at least 10 combos in the ribbon where I will need to do this with objects and 3-4 combos using enums. I included the classes and some code in a separate email…

  • Unable to cast object of type System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression to type Infragistics.Windows.Editors.ComboBoxItemsProvider

    I keep recieving the Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression' to type 'Infragistics.Windows.Editors.ComboBoxItemsProvider' error. The only way I can remove the error is to remove the ComboEditorTool,. 
