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  • Dynamic proeprties in data source

    We are evaluating the Silverlight data visualization controls. So far we are very happy with how the pivot grid, charts and data selector controls works together in displaying and working with data. However, up to this point we have only worked with predefined…

  • XmlaDataSource syntax in C#

    How is the syntax in C # for this code?

          Database="Adventure Works DW Standard Edition"
          Cube="Adventure Works…

  • Any way to load about 150000 of record to Pivot Grid without affecting performance.


    I am using Pivot Grid control to load about 150000 of records at once. I also generating a chart from the pivot grid, similar to sample provided. My application getting hanged when:-

    Data feched and loaded to grid.

    User clicks on any filter and…

  • SSAS Roles


    I am using XamPivotGrid and I can access an SSAS database with xmla http access and using a Xam Dataselector.

    My SSAS database has Roles setup  (that limit the data shown at the end user) and I want to be able to specify a specific role when accessing…

  • xampivotgrid relational database

    Dear members, am looking for any samples of using the xampivotgrid control with a relational database. any help will greatly be appreciated.