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  • How can I capture the user's interaction with y-axis labels (mouse enter, mouse click, etc.)?

    I want to allow the user to interact with the y-axis labels. For example, they might be able to right-click an axis label to get a context menu for a particular axis. Ultimately, I want to try to implement functionality that allows the user to click and…

  • DataPoint limit when using XamChart ?


    I'm working on a chart containing between 24 and 300 datapoints.  If my collection of points is greater than 200, I've got a XAML error:

    I'm working on a .NET 3.5 application and I don't have CLR4 with XamDataChart.  I use currently…

  • x- Axis DateTime labels

    How can I set  period units in an x-axis showing DateTime values, according to a particular rule?
    For example, if the datapoints are 365 (one year) I would like to show axis label every end of month, or quarterly, and so on.

    If no unit is set, line chart…

  • How can I inverse Axis-Y?

    I want to make chart like chart in attached files (max value on Y-Axis in the bottom, and min value on Y-Axis int the top. I have no idea how realize it whith xamChart :(. Could you help me?


  • XamChart: Place Axis Grid Labels Inside Chart


    I'm trying to make some graphs which are stacked up on top of each other so it is easy to compare various data. I want to make each graph take up the whole of the space given to it so I have removed legends etc but have come into difficulty in making…

  • Axis labels not displaying when adding datapoints in code behind


    I am adding datapoints manually to a chart series and the data displays fine except there are no labels on the X or Y axis.

    What am I doing wrong?




        'Get the data
            Dim data As Report1BList = Report1BList.GetReport1BList(StartDate…