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  • XamChart: Place Axis Grid Labels Inside Chart


    I'm trying to make some graphs which are stacked up on top of each other so it is easy to compare various data. I want to make each graph take up the whole of the space given to it so I have removed legends etc but have come into difficulty in making…

  • 1 disappear when I set AutoRange="False" Minimum="1" Maximum="10" Unit="1" for X-Axis

    My chart is a Line chart and need to start from 1 on X-Axis. But when I set AutoRange="False" Minimum="1" Maximum="10" Unit="1", the "1" and "10" disappear. Does anybody know how to deal with it?…

  • Fixed labels in XamChart

    Is it possible to make fixed labels for a certain Axis in XamChart? E.g. the values for x-axis is "One" "Two" "Three" "Four", then I only need to bind the data for Y-axis.

  • Secondary Y Axis Question

    Hi I am just wondering if it is possible to do somethinglike this?

    Here is my attempt:






































    igCA:XamChart Theme="Office2k7Blue" Foreground="{Dynamic…

  • XamChart issue with StackedColumn Series

    Hello there,

    When I try to set the AutoRange to false on a chart having a StackedColumn Series and set the Chart Primary X-Axis Minimum to Other than 0 I get a run time exception saying the "Width and Height should be non-negative". Can you please let…

  • X-axis label count restriction

    If too many points are displayed on the screen where at least 1 custom label has been supplied on the x-axis, the chart displays an error.  The solutions that I've been able to find so far are limited to setting the axis.unit property to < 50.  This…