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  • Scroll for more appointments in UltraMonthView and UltraWeekView


    We use WinSchedule Infragistics UltraControls v16.2 for WinForms.

    When adding multiple appointments to the UltraCalendarInfo, they appear nice in the different views (UltraDayView, UltraWeekView, UltraMonthView and UltraTimeLineView).

    In UltraWeekView…

  • Create a class schedule calendar help ?

    I want to create a student's class schedule, which would basically look like Outlooks weekview, with the days side by side, and a time scale along the left side.  I would want this time scale to show only 7:00am to 7:00pm, with 5 minute increments…

  • Scheduler App - All day appointment limitations

    Currently working on a scheduler application.  The main focus of the application is to enter demand (by day and week) and then be able to match supply to that demand.  The users that would be using the demand entry portion of the app would like to see it…

  • Tooltips on All Day event appointments

    hi there

    tooltips are not appearing on all day event appointments. I am using version 8.3.20083.2039.

    Please help




  • I am missing UltraSchedulePrintDocument...

    I have the UltraWinSchedule.  I need to print the UltraMonthViewSingle and UltraWeekView calendars, but I cannot find the UltraScedulePrintDocument class anywhere.  Did this come out with a later version?  Do I have to make another purchase to aquire this…

  • UltraWeekView

    I seems that the "More Appointments" indicator on UltraWeekView was not functioning. Because I have a A LOT of appointments in Day Box of ultraweekview, when i click the MORE APPOINTMENTS indicator it does scroll down to show the other down the line.…

  • Recurrence

    1. how can i Know if one particular Schedule was part of Recurring item?

    2. If its part of recurring Schedule how can i get the PARENT Schedule?



  • Need help turning off the mouse scroll on UltraMonthViewSingle and UltraWeekView

    I am using a horizontal scrollbar to allow the user to scroll from month to month or week to week.  I want to turn off the mouse wheel.  Can anybody help?