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  • Achieving an Outlook-style Week View using the UltraDayView control

    Hello all,

    I'm working with a set of UltraWinSchedule appointments and an UltraDayView control that displays the appointments. I'd like to be able to click a "Week View" button that makes the UltraDayView display the current week, with each day having…

  • How to create a weekview like outlook

    I am using a combination of ultradayview, ultraweekview, ultramonthviewsingle and ultramontviewmulti. I want to create a weekview like outlook which looks like a ultradayview with more selected days.

    But i cannot change the selected days in my calenderinfo…

  • Scheduler App - All day appointment limitations

    Currently working on a scheduler application.  The main focus of the application is to enter demand (by day and week) and then be able to match supply to that demand.  The users that would be using the demand entry portion of the app would like to see it…

  • Recurrence

    1. how can i Know if one particular Schedule was part of Recurring item?

    2. If its part of recurring Schedule how can i get the PARENT Schedule?

