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  • UltraWeekView - Appointment Moved

    I'd like to be able to get the event after a Appointment(s) is moved, on a UltraWeekView.

    UltraDayView has it and works great...

    I'm doing a custom Appointment editor (and data) and need to be able to handle when the user changes something on the UltraWeekView…

  • Scheduler App - All day appointment limitations

    Currently working on a scheduler application.  The main focus of the application is to enter demand (by day and week) and then be able to match supply to that demand.  The users that would be using the demand entry portion of the app would like to see it…

  • Tooltips on All Day event appointments

    hi there

    tooltips are not appearing on all day event appointments. I am using version 8.3.20083.2039.

    Please help
