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  • Preventing overlapping appointments in the same time slot

    Hello all,

    I'm working with an v11.2 UltraDayView that allows the user to schedule appointments based on "tasks". Eventually, we'd like to be able to pull back the user's laid-out schedule and create a report based on where they spend their time. For…

  • UltraDayView


    I have build a user control that contains a UltraDayView with a UltraCalenderInfo object.  The calendarInfo object has multiple owners, which i then create multiple appointments within these owners  with time slices from a database.  The problem is…

  • Can't get calendars to refresh data

    I have a need to refresh calendar information every few minutes (or at least check for changes).  The problem is that I can't find any way to refresh them. I have tried:


    followed by a refresh…

  • How to set multiple reminders for a single appointment in calendar?

    Hi All,

    please any one solve my issue...

    i have an calendar appointment with the details of

    StartTime= 01/Mar/2011 09:00 AM

    EndTime= 01/Mar/2011 09:30 AM

    Subject="Test Appointment".

    I need to set the reminders for this appointment  as…

  • Store Extended Appointment Info into database


    I'm using the extendedAppointmentInfo to set and get the custom field I create outlook 2003 dialog. After get the appointment info then i assign it to the appointment tag. I create new appointment and i enter the value into the custom field i create. I…

  • How can I sort the AppointmentsCollection


     I have an Appointments collection, each appointment being a custom class which inherits from the Appointment class.  What I need to do is to sort the appointments collection based on a customer propererty in my extended appointment class.  I can then…

  • UltraCalendarInfo, DataBindingsForAppointments

    When using a dataset with the UltraCalendarInfo.DataBindingsForAppointments, what determines when the Appointment data is committed/updated to bound dataset?

    Most other infragistics controls such as the ultragrid have a property that determines when…

  • Is there a way to sort the display of appointments?

    I'm using data bound CalendarInfo and MonthViewSingle controls. Is there a way to sort appointments according to some custom criteria? As best I can tell, within a single day the default behavior is to list them by start time, and if multiple appointments…

  • Appointments Filtered by subject

    Is there a way to filter which appointments show up based on subject?  For example, on a month view only appointments where subject = "school" would appear.

  • Finding timeslots without appointments within them and displaying available timeslots to the user

    Hello all,

    I'm using an UltraDayView to let the user add/resize/drag/schedule appointments on a daily or weekly basis. I'd like to know if there's a simplistic way to calculate what timeslots don't contain any appointments within them…