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  • Freeze columns for child rows in a hierarchical grid

    We are using Infragistics Net Advantage for .Net 2007 Vol. 3 in our project. We use UltraWebGrid control to implement all kinds of grids. Our requirement is to implement column freezing in hierarchical grid.  Requirement:In the hierarchical grid, we need…
  • UltraWebGrid Row Width With Multiple Bands

    I have an UltraWebGrid (version 8.3) which has 2 bands of data. The first band holds a small amount of summary data, while the second band holds a lot to detailed information. The problem I have is that once I have set the widths of the columns in the…

  • Getting row of second band in Hierarchical Grid

    I have a hierachical grid to which I have added a column of check boxes in both bands.  I need to be able to get/change the value of a check box in the second band but have no way to get which row in which the check box resides.

    How do I get the row/cell…

  • Can't bind UltraWebGrid to Hierarchical Business Object (from SubSonic)

    We're having an issue with the UltraWebGrid. I have  datasource objects created using SubSonic. Let's say the parent and child are related on the property pA (I exclude all the "get/set" code for purposes of brevity);

    Public Class P…

  • Load on Demand Ajax Row Update Multi Band

     Strange thing append,

    whene the event  UpdateRow is fired from a cell of a child band

    the object  RowEventArgs e is missing some information.  in fact the e.Row.ParentRow is always Null.

    So i can't refere to information in the parent row. and i need those informations…

  • Calling RowEditTemplate from Server Side...

    Hi All

    I am currently looking into using the hierachical grid as a treeview.

    My efforts so far have been successful, with two minor exceptions. When adding a new child item to the grid I have to add a new band and set-up the columns etc before I can…

  • Horizontal scroll disappears when column is 'fixed'

    Fellow coders... 

    I'm having a problem with the horizontal scroll bar disappearing when a column is 'fixed'. 

    I have a grid with two bands.  When the grid is first displayed (band 2 not showing) the horizontal scroll bar is not shown as band…