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  • Ultragridview on a Search Page

    Hi ,

    I am trying to use ultrawebgrid on a search page with different textbox and different butons. I plan to call different stored procedure for different buttons to bind the grid.

    If i am binding the data on Button click event i am not able to have…

  • Ultraweb grid add row event firing twice on save button click


    I am using Infragistics 9.1 ultrawebgrid control. My scenario is as follows.

    I have one grid - say Parent grid, contains 3 columns i.e. ID, Name, Address and for each row we will have User Phone information, this will be multiple rows. I am populating…

  • Row filtered records is not retained in the Ultra webgrid after toolbar button clicked


    we have one scenario where ultragrid not retained the data after page postback. here i have listed properties we set for ultraweb grid

    1. AllowRowFilter="Yes"
    2. LoadOnDemand="XML"
    3. AllowPaging="No"

    Scenario: #1