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  • How to get a column value from selected row in web data grid?

    I am new to this community and using infragistics controls for the first time. I have a web data grid & button on my page with 6 columns. I am calling a java script function on button click. User will select one row in grid and click…

  • Problem with ultrawebgrid buttontype column

    Hi all,

     i have an ultrawebgrid inside a webasyncrefreshpanel. the code created inside the load event, create a column in the ultrawebgrid.

    the code that i have used is: 

                         Dim colonna2 As UltraGridColumn = New UltraGridColumn(True)

  • webdatechooser in webgrid-urgent plz help


    I have to use webdatechooser inside webgrid.I used the following code but still i wont get datechooser on editing .Plz help me


    GridColumn = new UltraGridColumn();

    GridColumn.BaseColumnName = "FromDate";

    GridColumn.Header.Caption =…