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  • Webgrid ignores DblClick event with XmlLoadOnDemand?

    I'm using v8.1. When using XmlLoadOnDemand with the WebGrid, the control will fire the server side DblClick event -only- on the first page of data. As soon as I move beyond the first page of data, a double-click fires only a PostBack. Am I missing…
  • XML Load-On-Demand child row click event

    I have a 7.3 UltraWebGrid bound to a two-table hierarchical dataset. It loads and works fine, i.e. the parent rows load first and when you click to expand a parent row, it then pulls down and loads the related child rows. Here is my question: When I click…

  • ASP.NET UpdatePanel and Timer Interfere with WebGrid


    I have an interesting issue.  I have an ASP.NET UpdatePanel on the page with a Timer in it that posts back every 15 seconds.  Separately (outside the UpdatePanel), but on the same page, I have an editable UltraWebGrid.  There is also a 'Save' button…

  • Managing WebGrid Data from JavaScript/Ajax code

    I am working on a project that I need to use the Infragistics WebGrid control for some lists of data. I am loading the data on the client-side using JavaScript for display on a Map, and then I need to display that same data within multiple WebGrids. All…

  • Related webcombos to load on demand (ajax)

    I have three related webcombos in webgrid.  Once the user selects the data in the first webcombo (static - preloaded), the second combo will be loaded via ajax, based on the first combo.  Then the third combo will be loaded via ajax based on the values…

  • Load on Demand Ajax Row Update Multi Band

     Strange thing append,

    whene the event  UpdateRow is fired from a cell of a child band

    the object  RowEventArgs e is missing some information.  in fact the e.Row.ParentRow is always Null.

    So i can't refere to information in the parent row. and i need those informations…

  • AJAX Filtering and html formatting

    Hi all,

    I have a search page, where the hits are shown in an UltraWebGrid. I use html formatting to highlight the search terms in the grid. In the InitializeRowEvent, the text of every cell containing the search_term is changed by replacing the search_term…

  • UltraWebGrid not showing cell data when sorting

    This is the code to my webgrid:

    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="_UP1" runat="server">


    <igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="UG1" runat="server" Browser="Xml" Height="200px" Width=…