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  • asp:ScriptManager in Infragistics controls




    I am getting below error when i use asp: scriptmanager on page which is infragistics webgrid.The infragics controls referrring in bin are\



    Please help me with some…

  • Calendar extender goes behind webgrid


    I have a page with 2 webgrids on it placed one after the other. The grid on top has a AJAX control toolkit calendar extender in the column header. The selection of the date in the top grid, filters the data on that grid. Issue is that when the calendar…

  • AjaxControlToolKit ModalPopUp on UltraGridView link click

     I want to open up a modal pop up (AjaxcontrolToolKit) on click of a hyperlink column of datagrid; how I can do that.

    the HTML markup for grid is

    <igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="InfraGrid_PB" runat="server" EnableAppStyling="True"…