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  • inserting UltraGrid inside UltraCombo

    I have a requirement wherein when a dropdown or combobox drops down , it has a Gridview with filter feature.

    So I thought if we could add Ultragrid inside Ultracombo or something...

    Please suggest how to do that .

  • UltraDropDown - Search

    Hai To All,

    I am using Ultradropdown to display my datas. I m using filterrow to filter the datas. Is it possible to open the custom search window directly by cliking a key (like F8 or F11).

  • UltraComboGridBox Help with binding selecting row


    I am working with a form that has an UltraComboGridBox's that is populated with Account names. I progammally add an addition account to the data list before I bind the list to the UltraComboGridBox. Then I programmally Select the row I added…

  • UltraComboEditor drop list width

    I am using an UltraComboEditor in a couple of cells in my grid.  I would like the drop down list to be wider than the cell.  Preferably, automatically sized to widest item in the list.  Is there a way to do that?

  • Re: UltraDropDown Functionality

    Further clarification.

    I have several cells in my UltraGrid that use dropdown selection. These need two different sets of functionality.

    • These need to limit the user to selecting only items from the list so the need for DropDownStyle.
    • These need…