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  • Wincombo - Selected Row at top of drop down, not bottom?


    I am currently using Infragistics controls version: 10.1.20101.2018

    My question is this.  I have a ultracombo control that when I type in it, should a matching row in the drop down be found, the matching combo row gets selected at the bottom…

  • [UltraCombo] DropDown list doesn't be closed.

    The Scenario is like the below :

    1. Click the expand button of the UltraCombo control. -> The dropDown list is shown.

    2. Click the other controls. -> The dropDown list is closed.

    3. Click the expand button again. -> The dropDown list is shown…

  • Multi Column Value Changed Select Row Problems

    I have a multi column ultracombo control, I am trying to get the value of one of the columns and set it to my business object.

    Lets say:

    Shirt Size, Shirt Color


    Small, White

    Medium, Brown

    Large, Black


    The list…

  • UltraCombo with Checked ListBox: use different display members


    I'm using an UltraComboEditor with CheckedListBox.
    Now I need to use different display values for the textbox part and the dropdown-List. The idea is, the have a short representation of the items in the listbox and a more verbose in the drop down…

  • How to filter content of second dropdown by selection of first dropdown

    Hi I have a two dropdownlist on one rowedittemplate in the first all groups are shown for selection in the other all sections of all groups.

    two questions:

    First How can I make it so that when a group is selected in the first dropdownlist only the…

  • Setting the width of the dropdown in UltraGridComboColumn


    I want to be able to set the width of the dropdown for all the combo boxes in my UltraGridComboColumn that's in my table. How can I do this?


  • Replace Arrow on UltraCombo V9.2

    Is there a way to replace the arrow image on the UltraCombo in V9.2?  We were doing it in V6.1.  The graphic below shows what we get now.

    It appears that the control is making space for the image on the left when it is being applied to the right.

    I have…

  • Internal Error: "Can't convert to DestinitionValue" in UltraComboBox


    I am using Infragistics Winform Controls 2008 Volume 1 and facing the problem in UltraComboBox. The error string is: 

    Internal Error: "Can't convert to DestinitionValue in UltraComboBox".

    Although I have lots of combo boc on my screen…

  • DropDownList layer not shown on top when used in a user control

    Use NetAdvantage 7.3 Win 

    Have a user control with some UltraCombos, the user control is used as a pop-up on a win form.

    The issue: when I "drop" the UltraCombos on the user control, the DropDownList layer is rendered on the win form, UNDER the…

  • when I programmatically dropdown a list, the veridical scroll bars aren’t there

    when I do the following action:


    It doesn't show the viertical scroll bars until i reclick the dropdown list.  Any help will be appreciated!
  • With an UltraCombo how can I left-align the drop-down when it is smaller than the control width

    With an UltraCombo, I noticed that when the control is smaller than the dropped-down section, the dropped-down section and the control are left-aligned and the dropped-down section expands to the right. However, when the control is larger than the dropped…

  • filtered Ultracombo display vhidden values

    I'm using a filtred Ultracombo (properties limit to list =true dropdownstyle = dropdown)

    when i aply the filter i still can access the hidden items. i don't want to change the dropdownstyle to dropdownlist because the user may input free text. the…

  • Prevent list close up after last character

    I want to prevent the automatic close up of the UltraWinCombo after a value is selected. Atm when the last character of the value is entered the Combo closes up. Is there a way to prevent this and to close the list at leave? I'm using AutoCompleteMode…

  • UltraGridComboColumn issues in a Windows DataGrid

    Hi, we're trying to use the UltraGridComboColumn in a datagrid but have a few problems trying to implement it.

    1. The dropdown box, although containing the information, is displayed by having an area greyed out (the area that should have the list…

  • DropDownWidth doesn't work in 2010.3 and Outlook Form Region

    I have an adjoining Outlook (2007/2010) region with a UltraCombo on with the DropDownWidth set to a greater width than the control itself. The combo is configured to resize all columns.

    After upgrading to version 2010.3 the columns doesn't get wider…

  • UltraCombo Dropdown does not resize when rows are filtered

    I am using a combo box with LimitToList turned on.  I have data loaded from the database that may no longer be applicable for future records, but is valid for legacy.  The data that comprises the UltraCombo has an inactive column.


    Before I would retreive…

  • Re: UltraDropDown Functionality


     That takes care of limiting the user to choosing only what is in the list (style = dropdownlist) but I still can't figure out how if the user enters a value that isn't in the list to catch that and be able to prompt the user as to what they want…

  • WinGrid's DropDown cell loose text on mouseclick

    I have one wingrid bound to a BindingSource. The data are correctly shown in the grid at runtime.

    One of the columns of the grid is a varchar key that need to be decoded in a lookup table. So, I have a second BindingSource containing a couple key+description…

  • Re: UltraDropDown Functionality

    Further clarification.

    I have several cells in my UltraGrid that use dropdown selection. These need two different sets of functionality.

    • These need to limit the user to selecting only items from the list so the need for DropDownStyle.
    • These need…
  • Re: A form combo box selection the dropdown boxes inside the data grid are set

    hi Mike

    Basicly in this case I have a wingrid and it has a dropdown box in one of its columns.  Somewhere else on the form i have a combo box with the same value list next to the combo box I have a button control Named "Update All"  What I need…

  • UltraComboEditor drop list width

    I am using an UltraComboEditor in a couple of cells in my grid.  I would like the drop down list to be wider than the cell.  Preferably, automatically sized to widest item in the list.  Is there a way to do that?