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  • alegar010

    I have sent a link in order that they see the mistake that it generates when I execute the project with the event UltraCombo1_KeyDown. Please can they give me a solution?

    Thank you

  • UltraComboEditor autocomplete


    I'm using UltraComboEditor with DropDownStyle - DropDown and AutoCompleteMode - Suggest.

    It searches fine, but user can type any text, even if it is not in the combobox items. How can I limit user with combobox items? DropDownStyle DropDownList…

  • find infragic combobox value member


    I would like to find combobox ValueMember values and if there have, select that value.

    Currently i doing loop throw combobox like below-

    For i As Integer = 0 To cboCombo.Items.Count() - 1
       If cboCombo.ValueList.ValueListItems(i).DataValue = "CD…

  • Rendering HTML in a multi column dropdown.


    Would it be possible to render html in a multi column dropdown ?



  • Combo FilterComparisionOperator.Match acting like ".Like"

    Hello -

    I am using the value of one combo(1-Product Line) to populate another combo(2-Items of Product Line 1). The below code does filter the data contained in combo(2), but the filtercomparisonoperator is behaving similar to a "like" operator rather…

  • UltraCombo ItemNotInList event

    I have a bound combo to a SQL Server tinyint field and a list of items to chose from populated by setting the databindings to a dataview with a tinyint value field and string display field. 

    Selecting an item in the list is firing the ItemNotInList event…

  • UltraCombo binding to Value and using Syncwithcurrencymanager

    Okay, I have an odd problem.  I have a ultracombo on a form that displays a list of companies.  Other fields on the form display the detail information of the company selected.  I accomplish this by setting syncwithcurrencymanager to true on the ultracombo…

  • Combo Weird Problem

    Dear Infragistics Community,

    I have a form with a grid and a group box in which i have a couple of combo's.

    Two of them are working perfectly but the other one is doing a strange thing:

    When i select an item from the 1st combo the 2nd(which isn…

  • Ultracombo: Detecting the item where the mouse is over


    I'd like to delete items from an UltraCombos DropDownList by pressing the delete key on the keyboard. Since the items change their color when the mouse is moved over the dropped down list, I thought it would be easy to determine the index of the…

  • UltraCombo Dropdown does not resize when rows are filtered

    I am using a combo box with LimitToList turned on.  I have data loaded from the database that may no longer be applicable for future records, but is valid for legacy.  The data that comprises the UltraCombo has an inactive column.


    Before I would retreive…

  • Making a windows combo box look like an Infragistics combo box

    My application has mixed use of the Infragistics WinGrid UltraCombo and the standard Windows ComboBox and Toolstrip ComboBox.

    I made one attempt at converting the Windows Combos to UltraCombos, but hit a roadblock: the UltraCombo when wrapped in the…

  • Re: A form combo box selection the dropdown boxes inside the data grid are set

    hi Mike

    Basicly in this case I have a wingrid and it has a dropdown box in one of its columns.  Somewhere else on the form i have a combo box with the same value list next to the combo box I have a button control Named "Update All"  What I need…

  • Ultracombo with DropDownList style has missing borders


    I'm using an UltraCombo (version 9.2). If I keep the DropDownStyle as the default value DropDown, it's shown okay. But if I change it to DropDownList so users can type into it, the top and bottom border disappear when I run the form.

    Is this…

  • Databinding Array to UltraComboEditor (v7.3)

    There seems to be an issue when binding array to UltraComboEditor.  For instance the following will work..

     UltraComboEditor.DataSource = new int[ { 0, 1, 2, 3 };

     ... but the following will NOT...

      UltraComboEditor.DataSource = new MyClass[ { new MyClass…

  • Changing the displayText of a Binded UltraComboEditor


               I have a combo Editor Control which is  bound to a datasource. But I would like to change the display of the combo, basically append some extra text based on the value of another control. When I attempt to do this the selectedItem becomes nothing…

  • UltraComboEditor - Can I Use a Custom Control for the DropDown?

    I'd like to use a ComboBox control that when the dropdown button is pressed will display my custom control instead of the standard ListBox control.

    An example can be found in the Visual Studio Properties window when editing a form. The BackColor property…