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  • Missing Datapoint on Chart


     I have a Line Chart and Series attached from a Datatable. When I have a NULL Value within a series and using

    UltraChart1.LineChart.NullHandling = UltraChart.Shared.Styles.NullHandling.DontPlot

     then it happens that the Datapoint before the Null…

  • How to use NullHandling.DontPlot with a Composite chart [dual Y axis line chart]

    I have 12 month's data. it is sales against work data.

    So if i have data only for june, then the line starts from bottom in may and reaches the value in June and then drops down to july.

    This gives a feel as if the may and july are having 0 values…

  • Re: How to add multiple series to an ultrachart?

    So I passed the previous problem but now I have a problem with null datapoints, I have the following code:

    Me.UltraChart1.LineChart.NullHandling = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.NullHandling.DontPlot

    If IsDBNull(dt1.Rows(i)("DT")…

  • LineChart Bug

    Is there a bug with ...LineChart.NullHandling = NullHandling.DontPlot ?

    I am adding NumericSeries into a MRUltraChart Class inherited from Ultrachart. Somehow, some of the icons in the lineChart are not displaying although I have ensured that all data are…