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  • Remove Space between X-Axis Border and X-Axis Labels


    I am using UltraWinChart version 8.1.200081.1000 for displaying a line graph.

    On X-Axis the space between the axis line and the labels doesnot allow labels to be visible fully. The following is the code I am using:

    .Axis.X.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle…

  • X - Axis label display customization

    I am plotting points in a line chart continuously, reading data from a device every second. This may go upto an hour or more.

    i.e, plotting almost 3600 points every hour . The elapsed time/sample number is displayed in the X-Axis label.

    After a few…

  • Line chart data not aligning to x axis labels

    Why does the line chart not align to the labels on the x-axis? I am using a subset of infragistics sample data to display the problem.

    To recreate, create a simple project that has one Form. On the form, Add a winchart. Set the ChartType to LineChart.…