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  • UltraChart labels - how to?

    I've put together a prototype chart based similar to this:

    However, I can't find any code samples on how to specify the labels shown on the example (see image).…

  • Chart Label questions

    I'm doing a little prototype development using the UltraChart control and have a couple of problems I'm hoping to get some help with.

    *) I've developed a custom label renderer that displays our date information in the correct format and this works…

  • Remove Space between X-Axis Border and X-Axis Labels


    I am using UltraWinChart version 8.1.200081.1000 for displaying a line graph.

    On X-Axis the space between the axis line and the labels doesnot allow labels to be visible fully. The following is the code I am using:

    .Axis.X.TickmarkStyle = AxisTickStyle…

  • GantChart Item Labels

    I'm having real trouble getting labels displayed on a Gantt Chart (WinChart), I have two (or more) times on a Gantt Item each with a different label but I cannot seem to get these labels displayed on the chart (ideally in the middle of the item bar).…

  • Labels are wrapping in PieChart


    I have Infragistics Pie chart in my dashboard,and if I try to bind large amount of data,then labels are wrapping  up..see the image below.

    And I want to allign all the Pie chart labes in one direction (either left or right),and others section will be…

  • Axis ticks and zoom/scroll

    Let's say I have a series of value/time datapoints, the Y axis min value is 5.012 and max value is 6.231.

    I can force the tick values to be at round intervals by setting

    chart.Axis.Y.NumericAxisType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.NumericAxisType…

  • Series names in winchart


    i want draw a linechart, and i set thedatasource

    UltraChart1.DataSource = dtgrafico (where dtgrafico is an integer datatable)

    after i set the datamember to the row 

    UltraChart1.DataMember = dtgrafico.Rows(0).ToString

    Ok the chart is perfect,…

  • Custom Y Axis label (Gantt Chart)

    I can't give Y axis label the format I want to. I achieved customing the tooltips for Items in a Gantt Chart implementing IRenderLabel interface, but I can't show my extra information in Y axis label.

    I use GanttDataSource and set extra information…

  • Datapoints (labels) with background on top of line chart


    I've to create line chart with datapoints (labels) on top of it as shown in the pic below.  As can be seen:
    a. series points & these labelled datapoints may not be equal (e.g., there might be 5 points in the series but there might be 3 or 10 labelled…

  • X - Axis label display customization

    I am plotting points in a line chart continuously, reading data from a device every second. This may go upto an hour or more.

    i.e, plotting almost 3600 points every hour . The elapsed time/sample number is displayed in the X-Axis label.

    After a few…

  • Line chart data not aligning to x axis labels

    Why does the line chart not align to the labels on the x-axis? I am using a subset of infragistics sample data to display the problem.

    To recreate, create a simple project that has one Form. On the form, Add a winchart. Set the ChartType to LineChart.…

  • row# label not visible with the ScrollScale.Visible = true

    Hi All,

    When ScrollScale.Visible = false (for Axis.X) row labels are visible (labels are loaded via: myChart.Data.SetRowLabels(someStringArray) )

    If I only set ScrollScale.Visible = true, labels are not visible.


    Any ideas?

    Thanks for help :)

  • Stacked Column Chart X Axis Labels Overlap


    When I set my ultrachart to be a Stacked Column chart and there are a lot of data along the X-axis, the labels overwrite each other until it becomes a black block where the labels should be. I've used AxisTickStyle.Smart to solve this problem on other…

  • Different coloured label OR datapoint in LineChart

    I would like to colour one label X or the datapoint clicked on Line Chart. How can I do that?

    I´m using

  • Text Labels on the X Axis in a Scatter Chart

    I've got data that is formatted in a table as follows, and am displaying it in a Scatter Chart in WinChart version 7.3.20073.38:

    Date (Text), Index (Integer), Value (Double)
    2007-01-20, 1, 182708.213068332
    2007-04-20, 2, 191849.206636247

  • How to change Legend Labels for stack column chart?


    I have a stack column chat whose data source databale contains 3 columns.

    1 = Patient Id

    2 = Patient Bill Amount

    3= Patient Name

    Right now Column Stack chart is showing patient id as Horizantal and Bill Amount as Vertical and Legends are also showing…