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  • Ultra Chart FillSceneGraph not painting all Primitives

    I'm trying to divide a bubble chart into 9 different quadrants drawing lines and labels on the chart using Scene Graph. This requires me to add 10 primitives to scene graph object. After I add the 6th primitive, the chart no longer draws the last 4 objects…

  • Scenegraph - Controlling re-drawing

    Despite controlling when a FillScenegraph occur - by enabling and disabling the event, the chart gets re-drawn whenever I move the mouse across the window. I can see that the FillScenegraph event control works as expected and the breakpoints inside my…

  • Drawing Vertical Lines Between Horizontal Lines in Composite Line Chart

    Hello all,

    I am trying to draw vertical lines between two points on two different lines where each point is plotted.  The end result should look something like the graphic below.  I have tried to onPaint event and FillSceneGraph event (which I don't fully…

  • How to access Axes from FillSceneGraph(SceneGraph Scene)


    I have a composite chart containing serveral barcharts. I want to add a vertical line at a certain position of the x-axis. It should be possible to add/remove this line with a button. Since I also want to display/hide other primitives, I figured…

  • How to visualize the current position of a movie in a LineChart dynamically?

    In a program, I want to show a movie and the audience ratings at the same time. So I created a little movie player with a LineChart on it. During the movie plays, a slider moves from left to right. In order to illustrate the current position, I place…

  • Forcing the FillSceneGraph event

    I have an area chart and I'm using the FillSceneGraph event to do some custom drawing, etc.  I need to force this event to fire under certain conditions.  I've tried Refresh(), Invalidate(), etc. to no avail.  Is there any way I can force this event…

  • Fillscenegraph event with increases Legend stroke width leads to grid not refreshing ?

    Hi ,

    I added an FillSceneGraph event for an Ultrachart to increase the legend stroke width like this:

       foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph)
                    Polyline poly = p as Polyline;
                    if (poly != null && poly.Path != null && poly.Path.ToLower().IndexOf("legend…

  • Positioning axis+labels above symbols added on SceneGraph

    1. I am using a Polar Chart, but I believe this is applicable to all chart types.

    2. I had to re-size the points I am plotting and give varying shades based on a property value - All working fine.

    3. When there are too many points on the chart, I can…

  • Symbol Added in FillSceneGraph does not show Tooltip

    I have a BoxChart that shows tooltips when moving the mouse over a box element.  I also want to add an "X" to the chart at specific locations and have them show tool tips as well.  I am able to add the X's in the FillSceneGraph and I set
  • Line Chart Glowing Points

    Hey.  I'm working with the WinChart's line chart feature and I need a little help. 

    Our data source is set up as a DataTable.  We're using the chart to give a live view of how our data is changing.  Updating the graph was easy as all you need to…
  • UltraChart legend icons

    I have a form with an UltraChart that often has more than one line graphs on it concurrently.  There is also an UltraDockManager on the form, with a panel that allows the user to select which series they want to show on the graph.  When I hide one series…