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  • Problems with Chart sizing in 3D views

    I've got a problem with the Chart control's sizing behaviour when using 3D charts.

    My form is provided dynamic data; and as the range of values to be shown reduces, I'm finding that the 3D chart views start to disappear off the form (I've tried…

  • 3d pie chart number of slices

    Is there a way of returning the number of slices? Currently we have a pie chart that is broken on percentages, with an 'Other' cutoff of 5%. While this works for many accounts, we have a few that this does not work for, as the largest percentage is 2…

  • Composite 3D graph: is this possible?

    I'm trying to produce a chart which would combine the looks of a PointChart3D and a HeatMapChart3D.  See below: I'm trying to have the surface of the HeatMap (or some other mesh of sort) be shown "amid" the points of the point chart).…

  • 3D Line Chart Tooltip

    If I create a windows application with an UltraChart set to 3D Line Chart, the chart displays as a series of points connected by line segments. If I hover the mouse over a line segment, the value displayed in the tooltip is the value of the point at the…

  • CharDrawItem Event

    I am trying to use the ChartDrawItem event. I put a Consule.WriteLine() to see when it's called. I realize as long my ultrachart is open, it keeps looping in it. Is this suppose to be like that? I simply want to make use of the Primivitive to change color…

  • WinChart3D Element Colors

    I need to set the colors of the points that show up in the 3D scatterchart. I've tried using the FillWceneGraph event and setting the Primitive i.e. p.PE.Fill = Color.Red; unfortunately this does nothing for me. I used a filter to look for primitives…

  • 3D Stacked Line Charts (Normal and Complete)?

    Hi all,

    Could anyone tell me whether it is possible to create a 3D variation of the StackLineChart chart type? I have a requirement to include a 3D variation of stacked line and stacked line 100% in our application. These variations exist for Column…