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  • Hide xamgrid columns at runtime using mvvm pattern

    HI all,

    I am using infragistics xamgrid with few predefined textcoumns. I have a button in the same screen when I click on the button I need to hide 2 columns in the xamgrid. I want to do it through it's viewmodel class

    Can any one please provide…

  • xamgrid MVVM and filtering

    Is there a good example of xamgrid MVVM and filtering? ( Without using any code behind)

  • Filter with diffrent editor template than the default.


    We have a xamgrid with combobox as a editor template, now we need to filter the grid. We are using Filtersettings to filter the grid, our requirement is we need to show a text box as a filter template not the combo, how can we achive this. I tried by…

  • How to access SelectedRows in ViewModel?

    Hi all,


    I am using one xamwebgird instance binded to data from one ViewModel;


    How could I find out which rows are selected on ViewModel's end?

    How can I select a row from the ViewModel?


  • Select a row

    By default, I get cell highlighting on MouseOver and cell selection on Click.  I don't want either of those.  When I click on any cell, I want the entire row selected and I don't want the RowSelector visible.

    When the row is selected, I need to…

  • MVVM on XamWebGrid v10.1

    Hi all,


    I am using XamWebGrid v10.1 in a View;

    I want to connect mouse events to my view model;

    This is what I do:


    <igGrid:XamWebGrid x:Name="customGrid"
                               ItemsSource="{Binding GridDataCollection…

  • Handle Click of Button in Unbound column

    I am using the MVVM Light toolkit and when I click on a button in a row's unbound column, I want to execute a command on the View's corresponding ViewModel passing the POCO in the row's DataContext as the command parameter.

    This is what I…

  • Introduction to the Infragistics Undo / Redo Framework for XAML applications

    Application with heavy CRUD capabilities for the end user? Would the result be a chaos caused by users insisting for that one thing they just deleted? Turn that around (literally!) by providing some Undo action in your XAML application. That is exactly…

  • On Demand Data Loading in XamGrid and XamDataTree

     Loading data on demand is typical of applications that use hierarchical data. The article “On Demand Data Loading in XamTree” demonstrated an application using Infragistics XamTree. This article shows how they could benefit from hierarchical…