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  • Marker Issue

    Don't need to show marker for unknown value
    Currently the graph is shown like this
    But we need to show it like this
  • The neatest way to add custom css to the dock manager?

    We would like to apply custom css to the dock manager component. How can we do this at Infragistics without having to add an entire theme to the project? For example, we want to adjust the height of the header, font color of the title and also the background…

  • Change the scale for controls

    I am on AG 12.3 and IG 12.3.

    Some users (and I agree) have complained that the controls are too big and taking up valuable real estate for data viewability and analysis. My suggestion so far has been to use the browser's zoom capability and reload, but…

  • China users not seeing Icons...

    This is using AG 12.3 & IG 12.3.

    Our users in China are actually seeing the text name of icons rather than the actual icons for all buttons/dropdowns/combos. It's not negatively impacting functionality, but it is far from the ideal state.


  • Global Theme not working with overlay


    I seem to have a problem trying to incorporate global themes. I am going through the Ignite UI for Angular documentation to create a light & dark global theme. I am following this link:

    I have applied…