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  • How to copy & paste from/to Excel using xamDataGrid v10.2 & customize parent/child headers in xamDataGrid?


    I'm trying to create an Excel type interface using the xamDataGrid v10.2 for the users to be able to cut, paste & copy to the xamDataGrid using Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V & Ctrl+C from/to  Excel. My xamDataGrid is bound to an ObservableCollection of…

  • Custom filter on new field inserted on runtime

    Hi Guys,

    I want a functionality something like Excel. I'm able to populate data in the xamDataGrid.

    I'm able to add a new field/column to the xamDataGrid on runtime.

    Now I want to apply a filter on this new field having a formula, for instance…

  • Excel Export Image



    is it possible to add Images to an ExcelWorkbook?

    how can i do this ?

  • Excel Export Cell type

    In the xamdatagrid, we have a column of cells which are "number"s and another which is a "Time"

    When exported to excel, these cells are classed as "General" instead of "Number" or "Time" in the "Format Cells" window.…

  • Application Crashes after Reordering Columns and Exporting to Excel

    I am using InfragisticsWPF3.DataPresenter.ExcelExporter.v10.2 and we have a  XamDataGrid with the Export to Excel feature. After I sort a particular column and then Export to Excel the application Crashes with the exception
    "Field named  was not…
  • Excel-like behaviours in xamDataGrid

    Hi, I need some assitance in implementing some features from Excel in the datagrid. I'm wondering whether it's possible to copy the content(value) of cell in the xamDataGrid, by dragging from one cell (bottom right corner) and down? The cells included…
  • Excel Export: Column Autosizing

    Hello All,

    When exporting a XamDataGrid to Excel 2007, is it possible to have all columns auto-sized (that is, just wide enough to fit the widest cell in that column)?



  • Exporting XamDataGrid to Excel

    regarding this articale:

    where can I find the Infragistics.Excel library mentioned in the article?

    Thank you

  • Excel style fill-down and edit on type

    This isn't fancy but I had trouble finding any examples online.  I figured I'd post what I did.  I would love to know if there is a better way to do this.  Especially if it is using XAML styles rather than code behind.

    The basic requirement was…

  • Excel like behaviours


    can someone tell me if a couple of Excel like behaviours are possible with XamDataGrid?

    1) When I'm editing a cell and the text begins with "=" if i click on another cell intsead selecting it I'd wish to paste some info about the clicked cell in…

  • [URGENT] Multiple FieldLayout's with one header


    I'm trying to achieve something like this:



    <Field Name="Id" Column="0" RowSpan="3" />

    <UnboundField Name="Size0" Colum="1" Row="0" />

    <UnboundField Name…

  • Export XamDataGrid to Excel with row styling?


    I'm using a XamDataGrid to display 4 columns of multiline text. When I export to Excel (using Andrew Flick's example), the row styling is not set.

    I have used the UltraGridExcelExporter in the past, and it worked like a charm.

    I guess…