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  • Direct edtion in a cell.


    I'm working on using the grid Updating feature. I noticed that on the first click on a cell that can be edited the current behaviour is that the cell/row enters in edition mode but it doesn't change the value. Sometimes I found it a bit weird…

  • error calling SetCellValue after new row is created in the igGrid

    Hello -

    I have a grid that allows for new rows to be inserted.  I have logic in a client side JS event handle for editCellEnded that changes one of the cell values based on others.  It works as expected for existing rows in the grid and successfully updates…

  • Set hidden column value on Combo editor change


    I am using row editing feature of iggrid. I want to update the hidden column value when I change the selection from combo box. 

    I have used selectionChange event to get the value and using setCellValue to set the hidden column value. But this is ending…

  • igGrid Response from Restful Save failure

    I am updating an igGrid with the code below. It works great if there are no database save issues.

    Client side (most code eliminated for clarity)


    .RestSettings(rs =>
    .Update(u => u.RestVerbSetting()

  • igGrid insert and update data

    Hello, I try to connect a backend to the igGrid using javascript.

    Therefore I would like to differentiate between an update and an append case.

    Updating is working well through using:

    $("#table").on("iggridupdatingeditrowending", function (evt, ui) {…

  • igGrid differentiate between append (insert) and update

    Hello, I try to connect a backend to the igGrid.

    Therefor I would like to differntiate between an update and an append case.

    Updating is working well through using:

    $("#table").on("iggridupdatingeditrowending", function (evt, ui) {…

  • iggrid savechanges doesn't call web api update


    I have project where web api uses attribute routing and somehow rest binding doesn't work on my iggrid.

    On other project without attribute routing it works and update method is called after editing ended. 

    What's the problem here?   I'm getting…

  • igGrid - Updating - Stop Enter Key from Submitting/Saving

    I am using the igGrid edit dialog, and when editing text in a text box, when i hit return, the dialog is interpreting that as save. I want save to happen only during the Done button click. I would like return to acutally enter a new line in the text field…

  • 16.2 -> 19.1 igGrid date columns now include time formatted as such T00:00:00Z

    I tried moving from 16.2 to 19.1 and now the dates all show with time.  They used to show MM/dd/yyyy only.  I tried using the format property on the date column and it seems to ignore it.

    It seems to be specific to updating the Infragistics.MVC.dll as I…

  • How do I handle concurrency when editing grid data?

    I am looking for a solution to handle concurrent editing of data in a grid. The web application I am working on will run on multiple computers, where more than one person are able to edit the same record in the database. 

    It is an ASP MVC application, using…

  • How to handle Server Side Exceptions from MVC controller

    I am using the igGrid using the Grid Model approach. After Updating/Editing the grid post to an MVC controller. I would like an example how to handle Server Side errors and displaying the error to the returned View. 


  • Cannot read property 'format' of null MVC Iggrid


  • Iggrid SaveChanges Does not Recognize Success Message from Update Url

    Hi, I am trying to batch update my grid with an updateUrl. However, I cannot get the grid to recognize that the php file I am hitting returns success. Instead, the error callback happens. This question is the same as this, except the suggested answer…

  • igGrid - restrict number of digits entered into 'number' cell

    here the code that creates columns array:

    let gridColumns = [
    { key: 'idlr4ExhDetails', hidden: true, headerText: '', dataType: 'number', format: 'number', width: '0px', headerCssClass: '' },
    { key: 'idlr4ExhMrcSet', hidden: true, headerText: '',
  • IGGrid Destroy causes Sys.ParameterCountException

    I'm using version 2017.2, IgGrid with the Updating feature, with editMode set to 'cell'.  When the editCellEnded event fires, I make an Ajax call to the server and save the record.  Everything works fine.

    Then when the user wants to go back…

  • rowAdding event - Access the row

    name: "Updating",
    locale: {
    addRowLabel: "Add new..",
    rowEditDialogCaptionLabel: "Add New"
    enableAddRow: true,
    enableUpdateRow: true,
    enableDeleteRow: false,
    editRowEnding: function (evt, ui) {

  • igGrid Edit Dialog Done button disabled when required fields autopopulated


    I have an igGrid with row edit mode set to dialog. On the dialog , I have a few required fields and I have a custom button which,when clicked, populates all the fields via an ajax call. However, the Done button doesn't get enabled. Please help.

  • RowEditDialog - Setting input widths

    How can I change the width of my input fields to allow one of the fields to be multi-line and have a width that spans the length of the table?

    I have tried editing the html.

    <script id="dialogTemplate" type="text/html">

  • Updating the value of one cell based on another cell value and vice versa in iggrid?

    I'm using an ASP.Net MVC igGrid and i have created the grid like below

    @(Html.Infragistics().Grid(this.Model.lstMilestoneDetails).PrimaryKey("intMileStoneNo").AutoCommit(false).AutoGenerateColumns(false).ID("MileStoneGrid").Columns(column =>…

  • Removing readonly property for igGridUpdating Column ?

    Hello Infragistics community, 

    I'm using an ASP.Net MVC igGrid. I want my grid to have following behavior

    I have a igGrid with different columns which are read-only and one column is combo editor, so when i change the values in the combo box i need to…

  • How to have editors in angular 2 grid?


    I am using quick start for ignite ui grid on github. I am connecting to a Web API to fetch the data. I am successful in doing it. Can I know how can I implement combo editor in angular 2 for updating the grid columns?


    Rahul S

  • igGrid multiple row edit


    Can you please help on how we can edit multiple/all rows inside a grid and save all at once, maybe using checkbox selection or using some button ?

  • igGrid ColumnEditorType Combo changed event

    We have an igGrid with a column that is of type ColumnEditorType.Combo. We need to tie an event to the combo so that when it changes we can update another column in the grid. The editorValidatorOptions have an onChange property. How do you hook that up…

  • igGrid - Out of stack space error when using a RowEditDialog and a custom combo EditorProvider


    We are encountering an "Out of stack space" error when using a custom EditorProvider for a ComboBox in a grid row edit dialog. Please see the attached example. To duplicate this, please run the attached solution and follow these steps:…

  • Month Datepicker in Grid



    Currently I'm in a development, and I need create a grid with updating(add) option; the required data type fields are: combo and datepicker. I've defined:

    In the datapicker I just need to show the selection of months and years; without showing…