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  • 16.2 -> 19.1 igGrid date columns now include time formatted as such T00:00:00Z

    I tried moving from 16.2 to 19.1 and now the dates all show with time.  They used to show MM/dd/yyyy only.  I tried using the format property on the date column and it seems to ignore it.

    It seems to be specific to updating the Infragistics.MVC.dll as I…

  • How do I handle concurrency when editing grid data?

    I am looking for a solution to handle concurrent editing of data in a grid. The web application I am working on will run on multiple computers, where more than one person are able to edit the same record in the database. 

    It is an ASP MVC application, using…

  • Cannot read property 'format' of null MVC Iggrid


  • Grid and Updating feature

    I have a grid with Updating feature turn on using the GridModel class, but when I click on the row the row gets in edit mode and all the data in the row gets deleted. Can you please help with this?




















    List<GridColumn> columns =

  • Disabling grid column for editing

    I am creating a grid with 3 columns:

          model = new GridModel();

          model.DataSource = _db.getColumnSelectGridItems();

          model.Columns.Add(new GridColumn("Column Name", "ColumnName", "string", "150"));

  • Null datetime (01/01/0001 00:00:00) in igTransactions ( GridTransaction<myModel> )


    I have a grid which has two datetime columns. I am makin my own POST request to the controller and I am sending the 'alltransactions' like this :

    var transaction = $("#myCurrencyGrid").igGrid("allTransactions"); 


  • Grid Height increases on calling igGridFiltering programmatically

    When I call the follwing method programmatically

    $("#accSelectionGrid").igGridFiltering("filter", ([{ fieldName: "ac_name", expr: accountName, cond: "contains", logic: "OR" }]));

    The height of grid which…

  • Remove the entire row on delete (Not crossed out row)

    I have autoCommit set to false, & I cannot set it to true because it will mess up other working code in my application.

    I want to delete the entire row (Remove from grid) & dont want a crossed out row in the grid awaiting a commit.

    Also , calling…

  • Combo Selection changed Event Handler of Combo inside grid

    I have a grid which has a column whose editor is set to Combo. It gets data from the DatasourceUrl, I want to make an ajax request on the selection changed event of that combo. How can I do that ?

    Q: How can I register or set an event handler for the…

  • Show/Hide columns of igGrid on igCombo Selection Changed


    I need to show/hide some columns of my igGrid based on the selection of igCombo. I can only commit the rows when the user posts the form. I do my own manual commit & I am not using 'saveChanges' metod of igGrid because of various reasons. The problem…

  • Allow only one checkbox to be checked in igGrid


    I am using IgniteUi & MVC.

    I have an igGrid which has  checkbox column. I want to allow the user to check only one checkbox in all the rows at any given time.

    If the user checks one checkbox, the already checked checkbox should be unchecked…

  • Form's POST method instead of UpdateUrl called

    I am using ASP.Net MVC and IgniteUI. I have a form which contains form fields to be filled and this form will be posted through Form's POST method named "CreateJournal", I also have a grid which has an UpdateUrl named "SaveJournalDetail…

  • post selected row or row id to server on button click

    I want to select a row from my igGrid and when submit button is clicked, I want that entire row to be passed down to the action method of the submit button. How can I do that ?

    I have set features.Selection().Mode(SelectionMode.Row);

    Is there a way to…

  • ASP.NET MVC jQuery - Press enter to open selected item

    I can navigate through the GridView with my keyboard but now I want to use the 'enter' key to load the selected row in a new page instead of editing the row inline.

    Is this possible with Infragistics? Or must this be manually programmed?

  • Boolean column shows true or false, not tick box

    I have an editable boolean column.  At the moment when it is not in 'edit mode' it shows either the word 'true' or 'false'.  When I go into 'edit mode' it displays a tick box.  Is there any way I can make it display that tick…