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  • Set hidden column value on Combo editor change


    I am using row editing feature of iggrid. I want to update the hidden column value when I change the selection from combo box. 

    I have used selectionChange event to get the value and using setCellValue to set the hidden column value. But this is ending…

  • How do I handle concurrency when editing grid data?

    I am looking for a solution to handle concurrent editing of data in a grid. The web application I am working on will run on multiple computers, where more than one person are able to edit the same record in the database. 

    It is an ASP MVC application, using…

  • Removing readonly property for igGridUpdating Column ?

    Hello Infragistics community, 

    I'm using an ASP.Net MVC igGrid. I want my grid to have following behavior

    I have a igGrid with different columns which are read-only and one column is combo editor, so when i change the values in the combo box i need to…