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Status: New
Add filterrow in ultracombo (similar to ultragrid)

Currently, the UltraGrid has a column that has the EditorComponent of UltraCombo and that is a multi-select combo.

We are trying to add the functionality of a filter row in the combo dropdown so that users can able to filter the data source and select the data and re-filter the source and select more data.

To mention the issue, below are some points

- We are not using any filter to the UltraGrid and do not want to apply filters to the grid itself.

- As we can see the Name column in the attached screenshot, and that column contains the dropdown in the cell.

- Currently, when we click the dropdown button of a cell and want to select multiple items, we need to select an item then scroll down and select other items.

- We want the functionality, when we click the dropdown button, we have a filter area below the "Select All" so users can search for items and select directly.

- We are not able to implement this functionality on UltraCombo.