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Property change events throw ObjectDisposedException when returning to a page in Xamarin Forms Shell

I've created a default Xamarin Forms flyout app in Visual Studio - ie it's using XF Shell.

I've put an Infragistics.XF.Scheduler.XamScheduler on the AboutPage and hooked up the AppointmentItemsSource to "{Binding Appointments}" which is a property I've added to the AboutViewModel.

In the OnAppearing method of the page I try to call Appointments.Clear

The page works when the app is first run, but if I navigate to the Browse page then back to the About then I get the following:

Message=Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'Infragistics.Controls.Scheduler.SchedulerView'.

and the app crashes.

It seems that scheduler hasn't unhooked from the INPC events when it was Disposed. 

Am I missing something or are the Infragistics controls incompatible with the Xamarin Forms Shell?

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    Hello Simon,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing, and I have reproduced it. I’m not completely convinced at the moment that this is something that is specific to the Xamarin.Forms Shell, but rather a tabbed view in general in Xamarin, as you are correct in that it appears to happen with property-changed related properties. This still needs more testing to be sure, though.

    I have been trying to devise a workaround to this by unhooking and re-hooking the data source, but unfortunately, I cannot seem to avoid this exception. This behavior is unexpected, and as such, I have asked our engineering teams to examine the behavior further. To ensure it receives attention, I have logged it in our internal tracking systems with a development ID of 272883 and I have created a private support case for you, which I will be linking this issue to. This case has an ID of CAS-212231-F6G6B8 and you can access it here:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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