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XamDataGrid in a StackLayout

I'm attempting to create a XamDataGrid on a ContentPage within a StackLayout. If the XamDataGrid is placed within the ContentPage.Content section without the StackLayout, it displays as expected.  But if I wrap the XamDataGrid within a StackLayout, it isn't visible.

Is there a trick to get the data grid to display within a StackLayout?  I need to be able to display more controls that just the data grid, and this is a show-stopper if that's not possible.

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Paul,

    In order to have the Infragistics for Xamarin XamDataGrid show up in a StackLayout, you will need to provide a HeightRequest for the grid. This is because the StackLayout measures with an infinite height by default, and this will eliminate the virtualization of the grid if no HeightRequest is provided. This will prevent the grid from rendering, and as such, the HeightRequest is absolutely required if you are placing the grid in a StackLayout.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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