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Linear Gauge Formatting Help

I'm trying to use a linear gauge in Xamarin Forms and make it look like this:

So far I've been able to get it like this (I know the purple isn't above, but I made it to show the extra space at the end):

But the label text is cut off and the graph border has extra space on each end.  If I make the graph huge then nothing gets cut off,

but that also does not fit my design requirements.  I need help with the label text not getting cut off and eliminating the space and the start and end of the graph.  My XAML code currently is:

<ig:XamLinearGauge NeedleShape="Triangle" NeedleBrush="#FFFFFF" x:Name="TestGauge" FormatLabel="TestGauge_FormatLabel"
NeedleBreadth="7" NeedleInnerExtent="0.70" NeedleOuterExtent="0.8" MinimumValue="0"
MaximumValue="100" Value="{Binding NeedleValue}" Margin="0"
LabelInterval="{Binding NeedleValue}" BackgroundColor="#0070b9"
BackingOutline="#FFFFFF" BackingStrokeThickness="1" BackingInnerExtent=".32" BackingOuterExtent=".77"
LabelExtent="0.85" HeightRequest="35"
Interval="100" TickStartExtent=".5" TickEndExtent="1" TickBrush="#00FFFFFF" MinorTickCount="0"
BackingBrush="#0070b9" FontBrush="#FFFFFF" NeedleOutline="#00FFFFFF">
<ig:LinearGraphRange StartValue="0" EndValue="35" Brush="#4BBF81" />
<ig:LinearGraphRange StartValue="35"
EndValue="75" Brush="#ffcc66" />
<ig:LinearGraphRange StartValue="75"
EndValue="100" Brush="#592c82" />

I do have an event in the code behind to change the label text.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • 34430
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Dan,

    I have been investigating into your requirements with the XamLinearGauge in Xamarin.Forms and I have some information for you on this matter.

    First, in order to remove the space at the start and end of the graph, I would recommend setting the ScaleStartExtent and the ScaleEndExtent properties. For example, if you were to set these properties to 0 and 1, respectively, this would make your XamLinearGauge take up all available horizontal space.

    Regarding the Label, you can move the range area of the XamLinearGauge by providing a RangeInnerExtent and RangeOuterExtent property. These properties take values between -1 and 1. For example, if you were to set the RangeInnerExtent to -1 and the RangeOuterExtent to 0, this would have the XamLinearGauge’s ranges extent from the bottom of its container to the halfway point.

    I would recommend playing with these properties to see where a good fit for the XamLinearGauge is for you.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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