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Scrolling behaviour of "Pan the surface" tool like in Overview window


I need to set scrolling behaviour of main chart as in Overview window.

By default I have this (scroll proceeds only when I drop mouse - not when I'm dragging):

But I want to real-time behaviour of "Pan the surface" tool like scrolling while I drag "visible rectangle" in the overview window. 

Is it possible?



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  • 34510
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    .Hi Evgeniy,

    The XamDataChart doesn't have a setting that would allow for real-time panning.  It currently only supports the deferred type that you see now.  You could, however, implement your own panning functionality through the chart mouse events.  You would have to disable the built in functionality though by setting DefaultInteraction to None.

    Through the chart mouse events you can use the MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseMove events to determine when to start the drag and how much it's moving.  Then you can adjust the WindowPositionHorizontal property on the XamDataChart to move the view in the chart.  This should give you something very close to what you want.

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