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Binding Unknown Data Sets to xamDataGrid in WPF


We are integrating with an existing service that returns 2 meaningful pieces of information (for this discussion):

1) A '\t' separated string of column headers (can vary in number and values)

2) An array of '\t' separated strings of values (tab delineation of individual records matches column headers)

I already know that I can use string.Split('\t') to get arrays of strings whose indices are aligned correctly with the column header indices, so parsing the response is not an issue.

I know that I can write a conversion method to get this into a well-formatted xml document, then bind to the xamDataGrid. What I was hoping is that there would be a good way to do this using objects so that accessing the data for business logic would be simplified.

Do you know a good way to take the data we are given and build up objects that will not only be able to bind to the xamDataGrid, but also be usable throughout our business logic?

Thank you,


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