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Using XamZoombar to set date range for a XamDataGrid

I have a requirement to use a XamZoombar to set a date range for data that will be loaded into a XamDataGrid. I have not used the XamZoombar control before. The samples show it integrated with DataChart and Timeline. is it possible to manually set the range parameters and tick marks in a XamZoombar?

It looks like I can handle the XamZoombar.ZoomChanged event to set my range, but how do I set the date and tick mark parameters of the XamZoombar?

For example, how would I set the overall range of the control from 1/1/1900 to 1/1/2020 and have tickmarks at every month?

If not, can you suggest another Infragistics control to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

  • 1255

    Hmm, I was searching through the Samples again and found the XamDateTimeRangeSlider in the Filtering ViewModel Data sample. It seems to be the right sample I am looking for.

    However, due to the unresolved VS2013 issue reported here:

    I cannot use XamDateTimeRangeSlider. I'm back to my original question about using XamZoombar. I think the XamZoombar has a better UX anyway. 

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