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xamOrgChart expanding Nodes below Overview Pane

Good Morning!  I’m seeing an issue with my xamOrgChart and I’m hoping you can help.  I’m using the xamOrgChart to display hierarchical charges.  Most of the charges are just a few levels deep and work fine. A few of the charges have a lot of levels to expand.  As I’m expanding levels at the bottom of the org chart I can see the overview pane changing to include the new nodes, but at some point (it seems about the same amount of space every time) this does not happen.  The org chart shown in the overview pane expands horizontally, but I can’t see the new nodes added at the bottom.  I can see my viewing area circled in the overview pane and as soon as I pan or zoom my area below the overview showing to the new nodes, the whole org chart “disappears”.  All I see is the white background.  I can zoom or pan to get it back, but if I have a lot of child nodes below the overview pane it is hard to move around and see things how I really want to.  Every time you pan or zoom it disappears again.

Do you have any ideas what could be causing this?  Is there some kind of “max height” the org chart can be that I’m unaware of?  The orgchart exists inside a Grid where RowDefinition = *.


Thank you!

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