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Performance issues while refreshing the DataSource of a grid


I have a grid displaying 2000 records and 40 fields.  The first time, it takes about 45 seconds to fetch the data in database and display the grid (wich is good).  When I trie to refresh the data, it takes 5 minutes.  I have the exact same number of records and fields.  How come it takes so long?

Here's what I did

At the begining I set the DataSource like this

dg.dataGrid.DataSource = List;  (45 seconds)

And when I need to refresh I do this...

dg.dataGrid.DataSource = null;

dg.dataGrid.DataSource = List; (5 minutes)


The list does'nt change, only the data inside changes.  I tried to Bind the data, but it does'nt work

DataSource={Binding Path=List}


Is it possible that I loose the virtualisation system when I refresh the list?

Please help me!



No Data
  • 9694


    Please contact developer support, report this issue as a bug, and ask for a work-around.

    The following page offers several ways to contact developer support:

    Scroll down to the Product Support section.

    If this proves to be a WPF issue, WPF does provide asynchronous means for initializing data.

    Thank you,

No Data