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XamChart pie issues


I have a XamChart that shows my experiments' status:

    <igCa:Series ChartType="Pie">
            <igCa:DataPoint Value="{Binding ActivityStatus.NumWaiting}" Label="Waiting"></igCa:DataPoint>
            <igCa:DataPoint Value="{Binding ActivityStatus.NumRunning}" Label="Running"></igCa:DataPoint>
            <igCa:DataPoint Value="{Binding ActivityStatus.NumPassed}" Label="Passed"></igCa:DataPoint>
            <igCa:DataPoint Value="{Binding ActivityStatus.NumFailed}" Label="Failed"></igCa:DataPoint>
            <igCa:DataPoint Value="{Binding ActivityStatus.NumOnHold}" Label="Onhold"></igCa:DataPoint>
            <igCa:DataPoint Value="{Binding ActivityStatus.NumRemoved}" Label="Removed"></igCa:DataPoint>

All values come from my data context. I have 2 questions:

1. I'd like to assign my own colors to the labels. For example, I'd like 'Passed' to be green, 'Failed' to be red etc. (the default colors aren't distinct).

2. I'd like the chart to show numbers. For example, if I have 1 pass, 1 fail, 1 running and 7 waiting, I'd like to see those numbers instead of just seeing the relative part in the matching colors.

Thanks in advance.

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