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want to trigger a edit mode by clicking the button in the grid

Question 1:

For the grid, I have a delete button in the xamdatagrid for each row.

After click the delete button, a map table record would be removed. But the record in the grid wont, just change the status of mapping after refresh.

In edit mode, after the grid get edit, there would be a little start appear in the front of the row showing this record is modified.

Now I want to that little start appear after the button click, so i want to know how to trigger a edit event in the cell button click action.


Question 2:

I am binding a data source to the xamdatagrid. then i want to bind the content of a data colum to the property of isEnabled for a button. How should I write the style.

Now I am binding the CellValuePresenterStyle to a button style.


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    I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.

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