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XamDataChart Rotation 90 degrees


Love this control. Our users want our chart to appear as if it's charting from top to bottom instead of left to right. Ideally the simplest thing to do would be to rotate the chart 90 that the Y axis would be on top (instead of on the left) and now the X axis would be on the left (instead of on the bottom). IsInverted doesn't help as this just changes how the X/Y axis appears and the order of the scale.

WPF does have a RenderTransform/RotateTransform construct that I think might help as described here but was curious if anyone else out there might have any ideas.

Thanks in advance,

Paul Reed

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  • 138253
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    Hello Paul,


    Thank you for your post. I have been looking through it and I am glad you like our control. As for the question you asked I attached a sample project that shows how to rotate a XamChart to 90 degrees. Because the legend resizes its width when you resize the window vertically and its height when you resize the window horizontally, I created a separate custom legend which is basically a ListBox bound to XamChart’s series. Please let me know if this sample meets all your requirements.


    Looking forward for your reply.
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