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Can xamDataChart be used to show an intraday stock chart representing market hours only?

I am in search of a solution which will enable me to render a chart of intraday stock prices as candlestick or OHLC price bars (of arbitrary unit size -- e.g. 15 minutes), but the key here is that I want the X axis to cover market hours ONLY, and I would like the times displayed on the X axis, and the chart should be able to show this data over the course of several days, each day being clearly delimited.  This would mean that each "day" on the X axis would begin at the time of market open and would end at the time of market close.  Again, I do NOT want non-market hours shown on the X axis. 

I have experimented with a trial version of the xamDataChart, but I have been unable to find a way to accomplish what I describe above.  Has anyone found a way to accomplish this?


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    The CategoryDateTimeXAxis does not currently support scale breaks that would allow you to remove sections from the axis range (the non-market hours).

    If your data is equidistant (is on a 15 minute interval and no missing values). You could just use the CategoryXAxis and use the time as the label on the axis. The chart would not plot anything or leave any space for non-market hours because you wouldn't provide any data for those sections. This works best for when you have equidistant data though, because all data points are plotted the same distance apart. Does this sound appropriate to what you are trying to do?


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