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introduction to binding a database table in sql server to a read only xamDataGrid

hey ,

I am a complete noob , when it comes to using infragistics , and I am evaluating it for a project ,

the project requires a lot of data from multiple data sources and I am looking for a guide for binding the data to a xamDataGrid , if somebody can point me in the right direction ,

I have used the startup solution project file to check out sample codes , to check data binding with xml files , I want some samples to see binding with sql databases . may be a simple code aswell .

Also will microsoft expression blend 4 help me design the binding easily ?



Gokul Menon

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  • 69686

    Hello Gokul,

    As far as the XamDataGrid is concerned, you can supply it with data by providing any IEnumerable (DataView, any collection, XML readers,etc) object and setting it to the DataSource property. With its default settings, the XamDataGrid will do the rest for you and display the data supplied. You can see examples of different types of data binding scenarios with the XamDataGrid in the XamFeatureBrowser, which is installed with the Samples installer or in our help here.

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