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GroupByRecord Issue

Hi, I'm using XamDataGrid recently. It works great except for a grouping issue. I group the data records by a field named "Section". I put the grouping setting in .xaml file like the following

<igDP: XamDataGrid>



      <igDP:Field Name="Section" Visibility="Collapsed">


          <igDP:FieldSettings AllowHiding="Never"/>




        <igDP:FieldSortDescription IsGroupBy="True" Direction="Ascending" FieldName="Section">




</igDP: XamDataGrid>

It works fine when I set the datasource of the datagrid for the first time. However, when I set the datasource to null and assign a new datasource (its structure is the same as the previous one) to the datagrid, the data records will not be grouped. I looped through the records property of the datagrid and found no groupbyrecord. But the info within XamDataGrid.FieldLayouts[0].SortedFields[0] remains the same. Can anyone tell me what is the probable cause.

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