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Y Axis label formating to show text

How can I change the PrimaryY axis to show text instead of a number or currency? I have it set to go from 1 to 4. Good being 1, Nomal being 2, Bad being 3 and Worst being 4. I want to show a chart that represents those answers based on several different assessments. But 1-4 mean nothing to the user. Is there a format for showing text instead?

Example (except I want to show a different value for each one):


<igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryY" Crossing="-1" AutoRange="False" Minimum="1" Maximum="4" Unit="1">


<igCA:Label Format="{}{0:Text}" FontSize="14" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="White" />



<igCA:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX">


<igCA:Label FontSize="14" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="White" />




















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