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DataPoints are not getting rendered when the binding is done from code behind.

We are evaluating the surface controls and we found this issue.


I have an xml which has cities sale data of different year. We have read the xml and created these classes: I have a class named “City” deriving from INotifyPropertyChanged and it has data like sales,year,name etc. I have one from class named “CustomDataModel” which has a property Locations and it is returing ObservableCollection<City> (a collection of city objects).


I have created a control which has XamSurfaceChart on it solething like this:

<igSurface:XamSurfaceChart x:Name="xamSurfaceChart1" IsSurfaceManipulationEnabled="False" Margin="10,55,10,10">


                <igChart:Legend Foreground="White" UseDataTemplate="False"/>



                <igChart:Axis Stroke="#00000000" AxisType="PrimaryX">


                        <igChart:Label Foreground="White" Angle="-45" />



                        <igChart:Mark StrokeThickness="0" TickMarkSize="0"/>



                        <igChart:Mark StrokeThickness="0"/>




                <igChart:Axis AxisType="PrimaryY" >


                        <igChart:Label Foreground="White"/>



                        <igChart:Mark Stroke="#33FFFFFF"/>



                        <igChart:Mark StrokeThickness="0"/>








                <igChart:Series ChartType="Column" UseDataTemplate="True">





                        <igChart:ChartParameter Type="RectangleRounding" Value="3"/>






In code behind:

I am setting the DataContxt on xamsurfaceControl to CustomDataModel like

xamsurfaceControl1.DataContext = customDataModel (an instance of CustomDataModel)


chartSeries = new Series();

chartSeries.ChartType = ChartType.Column;

                        chartSeries.ChartParameters.Add(ChartParameterType.RectangleRounding, 3);

chartSeries.Label = city.Year;

chartSeries.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);

chartSeries.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Silver);

chartSeries.DataSource = dataModel.Locations;                       

chartSeries.DataMapping = "Value=" + city.Sales + ";Label=" + city.Name + ";ToolTip=" + city.Sales;



After doing all this, I am not able to see the datapoints plotted in the graph. x axis is showing numbers from 1-10 as I have 10 elements to show on x axis.

If i draw the datapoints explicitly then graph is coming.