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Data binding with XamComboEditor


 I have a problem with binding to a ComboEditor. The ItemsSource is bound to xml data via a XmlDataProvider. The data contains elements each having an Id field and a Name field. The DisplayMemberPathof theCombo editor is set to Name and the ValuePath is set t Id. The Value property is bound to an Id field of my model object, which is bound to the datacontext of the window:


<igEditors:XamComboEditor x:Name="combo" Value="{Binding Id}" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource Testdaten}, XPath=Test}" DisplayMemberPath="Name" ValuePath="Id" /> 


When the window is created I set its DataContext and expect the Editor to Display the Name content of the bound item with the respective Id. Unfortunately this doesn't work. The ComboEditor initially displays the Value of "Id" instead of "Name". Right at the moment I click the drow down button the text changes to the correct value.

I attached a sample app, which demonstrates the behavior. It also contains a classic WPF ComboBox which shows the expected behavior.

Did I miss something here? Is this a bug?

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