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Chart labels do not rotate in case of fixed font size


There are many labels at the axis, so they have to be posted vertically. so they  become tall (i have Date labels)

In normal situation when resizing chart, if labels do not fit the given area(they go out of the borders), labels are rotated to fit the area and the font becomes smaller..

But if font size is fixed. labels are not rotated and they go out of the borders. Some letters disappear.

Maybe there is something i do wrong? or how can it be fixed?

Thank you!

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    the axis label layout algorithms have a lot of variability, so axis label behavior can change based on small differences like font size.

    try looking at the properties under Axis.N.Labels.Layout, where N is the letter of the axis you want to configure.  there are many options for determining how axis label layout is performed.

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