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XamChart issue with StackedColumn Series

Hello there,

When I try to set the AutoRange to false on a chart having a StackedColumn Series and set the Chart Primary X-Axis Minimum to Other than 0 I get a run time exception saying the "Width and Height should be non-negative". Can you please let me know what could be wrong.

The code looks some thing like this.

<igCA:XamChart Name="xamChart5" ChartRendered="xamChart5_ChartRendered">
                <!-- Legend -->
                    <igCA:Legend Visible="False"/>
                <!-- Scene -->
                <!-- Data points -->
                    <igCA:Series Label="France" ChartType="stackedColumn" UseDataTemplate="True">
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="2" Label="2002"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="4" Label="2003"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="8" Label="2004"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="5" Label="2005"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="6" Label="2006"/>
                    <!-- Data points -->
                    <igCA:Series Label="Greece" ChartType="stackedColumn" UseDataTemplate="True">
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="6" OverridesDefaultStyle="True" Style="{Binding XamDatapointStyle}"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="5" OverridesDefaultStyle="True" Style="{Binding XamDatapointStyle}"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="7" OverridesDefaultStyle="True" Style="{Binding XamDatapointStyle}"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="3" OverridesDefaultStyle="True" Style="{Binding XamDatapointStyle}"/>
                            <igCA:DataPoint Value="4" OverridesDefaultStyle="True" Style="{Binding XamDatapointStyle}"/>
                <!-- Axes -->
                      Unit="2" AutoRange="False" Minimum="1" Maximum="4">
                            <igCA:Mark Stroke="DarkBlue" StrokeThickness="2" Unit="1"/>
                      AxisType="PrimaryY"  Unit="1">
                            <igCA:Mark Stroke="DarkViolet" StrokeThickness="2" Unit="1"/>


Thanks in advance,

Pavan Dudday.