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xamCarouselListBox Item Path Issue

I am using xamCarouselListBox  and had defined the following Path.

<Path Fill="#FFFFFFFF" Stretch="Fill" Stroke="#FF000000" Margin="16.5,15.5,-5.5,-5.5" x:Name="customPath" Grid.Row="1" Data="M17,58 L405,347"/>

I have 5 Items per page. These items are loaded dynamically. If the carousellistbox child items are lessthan the items per page count . The items are dispalyed at the end of the path.

How can i bring the item to the center of the path?




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  • 8576
    Offline posted

    Hi -

    So if the ItemsPerPage is 5 and you only have 3 items, the 3 items will be centered along the path when the Carousel is first displayed.  Are you not seeing this behavior in your app?  (I copied your custom path into a test app and i worked fine for me)


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